¼­Ä¿½ºº¸À̹êµå  º£ÀÌ¡ ¼Ö·Î Àü½Ã - 清风 ( BREEZE )


"BREEZE"¸¦ Å׸¶·Î CBB ÀÇ ÀÏ·¯½ºÆ® ÀÛ¾÷°ú ´Ù¾çÇÑ Á¦Ç°µéÀ» °¨»óÇÏ½Ç ¼ö ÀÖ½À´Ï´Ù.

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CBB ÀÇ ÀÛ¾÷µéÀ» °¨»óÇϽø鼭 ±âºÐÁÁÀº ¡®BREEZE¡¯ ¸¦ ´À³¢½Ç ¼ö Àֱ⸦ ¹Ù¶ø´Ï´Ù

CBB Exhibition Information

Art Space 7 1/5. Beijing751 . China.

01.October -15. December 2020


BREEZE 7 1/5 Art Space CBB solo exhibition CIRCUS BOY BAND£¨CBB for short£©

They combine daily experience with imaginary images to convey stories 

in the form of illustrations£¬graphic design and product design¡£

hey think that life is like a circus£¬containing joys and sorrows

and hope to create surprising products like a circus

This CBB solo exhibition in7 1/5 Art Space is

CIRCUS BOY BAND's frst solo exhibition in China

With the theme of¡°BREEZE¡±£¬

it is presented in the form of CBB art works exhibition

and related peripheral sales and surrounding sales

bringing you a different shopping experience

While you are watching the exhibition

you can also buy various CBB peripheral products and take your favorite CBB home¡£

CBB's fans will definitely feel that CBB has always gave you a retro feel£¬

and this feeling has transformed into a familiar sense of healing to accompany you¡£

Just as a¡®BREEZE¡¯blows into your heart

this relaxed and comfortable feeling can make you instantly healed and adorable¡£

This is also the original intention of CBB designers¡£

In this early autumn£¬the breeze gusts

bringing a hint of coolness¡£

CBB's¡®BREEZE'will bring people a relaxed and happy feeling¡£Beijing751¡£

71/5 Art Space invites you to explore the store and watch the exhibition¡£


No. Title Date
86 < CBB THEATER YOWOO > »õ·Î ¿¡µð¼Ç 11-21
85 CBB THEATER OREE - Halloween Edition Ãâ½Ã ¾È³» 10-25
84 < Ãâ½Ã ¾È³» > CBB VASE - Oree - mmmg editon 09-07
83 < Ãâ½Ã ¾È³» > CBB Theater Yowoo - FRIP edition 08-29
82 < Ãâ½Ã ¾È³» > CBB Figure 09 Kitty hug & Doggy hug 06-28
81 < CBB Æ˾÷ ¾È³» > Imagine by Circus boy band 05-23
80 < ä¿ë°ø°í > 3D ¸ðµ¨·¯ - ¸¶°¨ 12-06
79 < Ãâ½Ã ¾È³» > KITTY HUG - Halloween edition 10-20
78 < ä¿ë°ø°í > µðÀÚÀÎ ¾÷¹« - ¸¶°¨ 09-09
77 CBB Figure < CBB Convenience Store > Ãâ½Ã¾È³» 08-31
 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12